Wednesday, October 26, 2011

AoBR Dreadnought Progress

Made significant progress on my AoBR Dreadnought tonight.  Pretty much got it finished other than the obvious lack of weapon arms and some additional weathering/damage that I intend to add.  Really glad that I switched to black primer instead of white as doing so made the metallics on this very easy to do.

First up is a frontal shot.  Made sure to mix up the colors of the wires and hoses attached to the sarcophagus.  Did some extensive Boltgun Metal drybrushing to give an initial weathered look on the armor panels/plates.  I'll add some real dings, dents and scratches later for sure.

Then we have a left side view.  No real point to this angle, just wanted another shot.  I guess I could point out that the arms are magnetized and you can't even tell!  Magic!


And the rear shot.  I'm still pretty shitty at doing lenses.  Oh well I'll get the hang of it eventually I guess.

Really seeing an improvement on my efficiency in getting a decent paint job applied quickly.  So that's one notch in the plus column.  This was my first chance to use some of the bigger Army Painter grass tufts.  They amaze me more every time I use them.  The front one let me cover up a pretty big glob of glue that surfaced after some of my sand flaked off during the initial drybrush. 

The rocks are made from Woodland Scenics lightweight Hydrocal (fancy plaster) in a boulder mold that I bought from Hobbytown.  One fill gave me about 40 different size/shape rocks/boulders that are very useful for basing large models such as this.  Oh and they paint up pretty nice too!

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