Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Rhino chassis WIP

Didn't get around to taking shots of the finished tact squad or termies so I decided to snap some of my Rhino chassis' that I've been working on to get magnetized.  I bought two Razorback kits so I have the obvious flexibility of using the model as either Razorback or Rhino and I've worked to get them in a state where they can easily accommodate options to make them Whirlwinds and Predators as well.  (I have one of each of those kits as well in the pipe)

This first shot is of both chassis' without their front hard point options and the closed top hatch for a Rhino config:

Next is a shot showing the underside of the Rhino hatch (both models are configured the same) and the cross bar I inserted to which I attached a magnet:

Then we see the other option with the Razorback turret mount and the magnetized framework I constructed out of some leftover sprue.  There's a post coming up from the framework with the magnet attached and this is so that the underside of the gun options can rotate freely while the unseen portions of the gun don't get stuck underneath:

This next shot shows how I avoided a miscue I made on the first attempt at placing a cross bar inside the chassis.  I found that there's several lengths on the sprue that have a rounded and raised peg along them that is the perfect height for mounting a 1/8" x 1/16" magnet so that it meets with the magnet on the closed Rhino hatch or Razorback turret hatch.  The first try I wasted an extra magnet to get the proper height:

Then you can see the doors on the sides and how I magnetized them.  They're obviously the same for both Rhino and Razorback configs, but doing this will allow for adding Predator sponsons later as needed.  I used 1/4" magnets here which I admit is overkill, but I bought a couple magnet packages and wasn't using them for anything else yet so I figured they'd be good for something:

Here's another shot of the side hatch in place:

Here's the closed Rhino hatch in place, meets up pretty well:

And another with the Razorback turret hatch:

Here we can see the Razorback turret options.  The lascannons and heavy bolters both have 1/8" magnets on either side internally where they will attach to the two 1/8" magnets on the turret mount.  There's also two 1/16" magnets on the tops of the weapons and on the underside of the turret top as you can see.  This allows for the turret top to snap onto whichever option I decide to mount:

Here are the lascannons mounted in the turret well:

And lastly the heavy bolters:

Soooooo, marathon post I know.  But lots of work and love went into these but it will definitely pay off in the long run for added flexibility in the army I field.

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