Monday, October 24, 2011

Chaplain done!

In only a day's time, I managed to pretty much completely finish my first HQ unit, a Space Marine Chaplain with jump pack.  I originally intended to grab the Finecast version of this but a coworker had a metal one laying around that he wasn't using and he was nice enough to let me have it.  So I figured I'd do it proud and give it my best effort.

Primed in black, then basecoated in Liche Purple with Burnished Gold trim, it started looking decent pretty quickly.  Being covered in skulls, a little Bleached Bone washed with Devlin Mud made it easy to knock out a lot of detail.  The chains, wings and other gold details were easily dry brushed on with touches of Burnished Gold, Mithril Silver, Dark Angels Green and Boltgun Metal.  The base was covered with black sand from Michael's and drybrushed with watered down Calthan Brown and then again lightly with Bleached Bone.  Then I added the aforementioned ArmyPainter static grass clumps.


The highlight of this whole thing (other than the model being free :P ), was the plasma pistol.  That was my first attempt at that kind of glowy highlighting and I'm actually quite pleased with the result!

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