The whole package was $5.99 at a local gaming store. I've only had a chance to put it on one model so far, but its been enough to convince me that this is the real deal! I'll be adding a pic of my Chaplain later showing it off.
Next up I decided to get some fancy 3rd party resin bases. I wanted something that looked rocky for my Assault squad to appear like they were leaping from them and these fit the bill. I decided to pick some up from Jawaballs, who I follow on Youtube as he has some pretty good painting vids and tutorials. They were about the same price as any of the other online retailers. Like the LITKO mag bases, these took a while to get. I'm sure casting quality resin bases isn't something that you can crank out thousands in an afternoon, but it still took a little longer than I'd hoped. This may be the one major argument for paying a little more to get stuff from an established online store who's only purpose is to sell stuff. Regardless, just looking at them and cleaning them up this afternoon was enough to impress me. I bought two packs of 10x bases and looking at them or a while I can only find two that are actually duplicates. So they're pretty nice and will offer some incredible variety. So despite the lead time on the order, I'm very pleased with the product.
One other thing I wanted to add is that after reading on his blog, he apparently can cast these in black as well. They don't show up on the website for order but apparently if you email him beforehand you can get them. This would be very nice in that after you've based and finished your models, if there's any chipping or anything then you'd be left with solid black underneath instead of the glaring white resin. In most cases you probably wouldn't even notice it.
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